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Author Topic: a practice post  (Read 17835 times)

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kathleen Hills

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a practice post
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:57:20 PM »

Hi everybody,
i thought I would give this a try before the whole gang gets here. I am not good with all these decisions colors, fonts, faces, stuff!
I'll ramble for awhile and see how it goes.
I'm winding down to go back to Scotland on Halloween. (hmmm, no jack-o-lantern icon). It has been a spectacular fall. But in the last few days every leaf has hit the ground, and all of my neighbors have long since gone to town. I'm beginning to see it's time to join the migration. They're predicting snow from tonight through the weekend and a hight of 30 tomorrow. Last Saturday it was 80 degrees.
I have felt a growing (and unaccustomed) hankering to return. Unfortunately, to get in the mood, I decided to check out the British news online, and first thing opened to a full color, front page spread in the [Independent (Ooh, I haven't quite got the hang of things.) anyway according to the Independent, AMERICA IS EATING THE WORLD! Apparently, according to Andrew Gumbel,  it's " deeply cultural. The United States is a place where the prevailing instinct is to want it all, no matter the consequences." I'm not sure how Andrew has figured out our prevailing instinct. Do we have a prevailing instinct? Ah, well, thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
I'm not having much luck with the emoticons.  :'(.
Kathy and Carol I'm sorry to have missed you at Bouchercon. I left home before I saw all the messages, and didn't even have Kathy's phone # with  me. It was a fun time, although I was hoping to be inspired, and came away thinking there is no way I can compete, and not being sure I want to.
You can see I've been out here in the woods too long and am turning into one of those reclusive nut cases. Actually what you see is that I've had a glass of wine to ward off the coming chill, and I have a very low tolerance for alcohol. A cheap date.
Okay, now to hit post and see what happens!



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Re: a practice post Hi, Kathie
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 10:31:50 AM »

Will you still be able to check in here after you get to Scotland?   Sure hope so!  We miss you when you don't post.

 ??? Maybe this Andrew has been watching too many American movies and tv shows.  That isn't the culture of the people I know.  I hate to think that all some people know about Americans is what they see in the media.

I was looking with just a teensy bit of envy at the snow predictions.  Haven't seen snow falling in several years, but I guess it's just as well if we don't have it down here it the south.  Even the prediction of a few flakes is enough to shut everything down.

As to coming away from Bouchercon depressed, hope you're feeling better today!  :)


Susan August

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Re: a practice post
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2006, 12:17:06 PM »

Well, sounds like Andrew has hit a 'nerve' that resounds well outside the US.  I'm afraid that our external image is one of arrogance and 'rightness' to the rest of the world, although that may not actually reflect the view of most of us.  Our priorities are war and oil and protecting US industry and we care most about what directly affects us.  I don't think we want to get into politics here, so please understand that I'm just commenting on how the world sees us and perhaps why that is so.  Perception is reality! Enough said...


kathleen Hills

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Re: a practice post
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2006, 07:57:15 PM »

well, my priorities ain't war and oil and protecting US industry, and I don't know anybody's whose is.
Sorry, I'll probably be Bob's first 'warning." Well it says nothing is off topic!  It's just that living with it every day while I'm in the Uk gets tedious. People there live exactly the way people here live. Except maybe they drink more. The real difference is that we don't pick up our US newspaper and read every day what a crap county Britain is, and what a bunch of fat greedy morons (who think irony is something you do to wrinlkled clothes) live there. I am trying to get this out of my system before I go back. 
The snow didn't amount to anything so far, and what did fall has melted. But I saw an eagle catch a fish not ten feet from me. A parting gift.

Susan August

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Re: a practice post
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2006, 08:40:37 PM »

Snow and eagles...are you in Alaska, Kathleen?  It's a tad chilly here in NJ, but no sign of snow yet.  So, your mission in Scotland may be to show that the external perception is not the true american reality.  We could sure use some ambassadors to offset the misconceptions perpetrated by those who represent us.  Hope the burden of your mission will not weigh you down...LOL!



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Re: a practice post
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2006, 05:57:49 PM »

Stay in touch, Kathleen.  And ignore Bouchercon.  I also get the strong impression that I'm not part of the general mystery writers group.  I ignore it and write, and just worry about making the next one better than the last one.  What do they know?

I envy you your escape.



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Re: a practice post
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2006, 11:20:04 AM »

Stick with us Kathleen.  You sure are part of the crowd in here and so is Ingrid.  (not a mystery writer, grumble, grumble, have they Read your stuff?  It's great!)


kathleen Hills

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Re: a practice post
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2006, 09:26:55 PM »

Oh dear, I gave the wrong impression! What I felt about Bouchercon was mostly that those people that are on top work really, really hard at it. I'm not at all sure I want to do that. Or that I have that kind of drive even if I did have the talent.
I'm in Northern MN, not alaska, although it felt that way the past few days. My waterpump is frozen and, even as we speak, a mouse is rummaging around about four feet from me. Time to go!

Here's another something to get off my chest. Two months ago an old friend of my son-in-law's separated from his wife and had no where to go (and no job). My daughter and son-in-law were kind enough, or naive enough, to take them in. Them includes four children--and two dogs. You guessed it, they are still there. He still doesn't have a job. (he was a stay at home Dad)  My 2.5 year old grandson is sleeping in a crib in the hallway outside his parent's bedroom. It's like some scary movie. To top it off, my son-in-law had back surgery on Friday. Not to mention that I usually spend my last two weeks before I leave the country with them. there are triple bunk beds in my room!
It defies belief.
Love to you all,


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Re: a practice post
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2006, 09:30:19 AM »

Sorry about the family problems.  It's been my experience that those frustrating situations resolve themselves. How very kind your daughter and son-in-law are!


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Re: a practice post
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2006, 11:17:41 AM »

Oh, Kathie, I'm completely overwhelmed by the capacity of giving some people have.

During this summer, because of the war, a lot of people all over the country opened their homes to strangers from the northern, bombed parts of the country and had them stay for a few weeks because they had no place to go. (Those who didn't stay with relatives.) The newspapers featured lots of such stories. It's not something you take for granted. You're probably so proud (in addition to the concern!).

But two whole months?? I hope Ingrid is right and it'l work out on its own. I'm sure most people don't feel right being on the receiving end only for so long.

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