I have always liked mysteries and I intend to write one just for myself. If it's any good and not embarrassing, maybe I'd consider getting it published. However, just the mere idea of someone else reading a story I've written at this point gives me writers block, so ... the story is for me. I enjoy writing and I enjoy mysteries.
Now that I've really been thinking hard and brainstorming for the past week, I have some characters (probably not all of them) and some ideas. I know who the murderer is and why they did it. I've got motives for other characters (but not for all of them). I don't have secrets for all of them.
I planned to have 3 victims ... but the more I think and brainstorm, the more detailed and convoluted it starts to seem. I imagine if it is beginning to seem like too many "threads" to me, it probably would to other people too.
What is your processing for outlining the story? How long does it take you for all the major elements (not necessarily the minor ones) to "click" in your head and you can start writing the broad strokes? How well do you know your characters before you start writing? Did you know your characters very well before writing or did some characters just "walk on the stage and demand the spotlight?"
I'm not really asking about the plot structure. It's more the "figuring out all the elements". I would just like to be able to write an outline to work from and get to the fun part of writing the scenes and the story. Is this the toughest part for most people?