General Discussion and News > Genre Impaired
Cozy or amature detective?
But that is exactly my point. If you have a novel about bad cops, show us also some decent cops. That is what reality is: A lot of ordinary men working hard, facing danger daily, sometimes reacting badly, sometimes doing heroic things. The brutal tormentors are very few, and my guess is that their fellow officers suffer more from them than the rest of society. A novel that presents a completely one-sided picture of any segment of society is by my definition a flawed novel. I used to have problems with Rankin's novels because the archvillain was always some wealthy businessman. We may not like the wealthy because they are snobs, indifferent, money-grubbing, selfish etc., but few, very few are a real crime problem.
No argument there. Could be similar points all along, but slippery semantics, confusing connotations, or indistinct interpretations got in the way. For sure any work of literature longer than short-short story lemgth needs balance for believability.
Cottage, perhaps?
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