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Author Topic: second chance: now what?  (Read 22384 times)

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  • Ink-Stained Wretch
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    • Donna Parker's Home Page
second chance: now what?
« on: October 01, 2008, 09:17:51 AM »

The first book in my "Fiddling With Murder" series, Constancy's Waltz, will be released by a new publisher (trade paper and e-book) on November 1.  It'll have a new cover and some very minor changes from the original, but mostly it's the same book.  It was originally released in 2003.

My question is, how do you promote a book going out for the second time?

As you know, promotion is mostly the author's job these days--especially with small and e- presses.  That knowledge leaves me cold and shivering and ready to crawl into a dark corner and stay there.  ::) I didn't do a good job the first time.  I haven't done a good job with any of my books.  Any helpful hints?  As a terminally shy person, I need all the help I can get!



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Re: second chance: now what?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 11:14:26 AM »

First of all, congratulations!

Secondly, I would ignore the fact that it's a reissue unless asked.  If asked, say yes with great enthusiasm talking about how wonderful it is to have your book re-released.

Now - here is an off the wall idea.  I've been going to a number of author readings lately and have been quite intrigued. Some are totally wonderful - the authors are definitely NOT shy. But, as you well know, a person who is uncomfortable in front of an audience is liable to say anything, or in one case the poor dear just looked at all of us helplessly and wordlessly.

For those public appearances it seems to me that having someone with you who is a ham and will read with feeling an excerpt would be very useful. If further this person would interview you with prepared questions it would be much easier for you to talk to the group in a comfy way.

This person could be a family member or friend, or perhaps someone from a local theater group, or anyone else you know with a sense of humor.

This would also give you practice for real interviews - it really is a matter of practice.

And if you are wondering what happened to the poor gal who froze - I went up to the front and did exactly what I just suggested - I pretended I was interviewing her and got her chatting comfy enough that I could go sit down again.

Toastmasters is a really good program, but not fast enough for right now.
"Head for the round house Maude, they can't corner us there!"


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Re: second chance: now what?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2008, 01:10:54 PM »

Thanks, Elena.  That's an excellent idea.  As they say in the old post cards, "wish you were here".   :D  It would definitely help to have back-up.

My problem isn't so much with an audience as with asking for opportunities.  I have been able to stand in front of audiences and speak (though not as an author).  Scary, but do-able.  But to try and arrange those opportunities?  The times I have tried that-- well, let's say I got no positive results.  Not even a hint of a positive result.  Am I whining?  Sorry.  I do know it's just something I have to keep working on.

Anyway, thanks so much for the idea.  I think it's a great one and I will definitely use it if I get a chance!



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    • Lynette Hall Hampton
Re: second chance: now what?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2008, 02:43:39 PM »

Congratulations,  Donna. I enjoyed the book very much and wish you the best of luck with it again.

I have no expert advice on how to promote it a second time, but if I had the opportunity, I'd probably send out a notice to all the people on my contact list. Maybe say something like....Wanted to let you know Constancy's Waltz has been picked up by a new publisher and has a new look....Then go into how if they missed it the first time, here's another chance to get a copy for self or as a gift.

Throw yourself a re-launch party. It doesn't have to be big, but invite your friends and fans. Ask a relative to host it for you.  Ask another friend to sell the books and you greet and talk with everyone attending. (I did this for my last book and had a wonderful turnout. My daughter and son-in-law hosted. We served simple foods we made ourself and my 12 year old grandson made pictures. I sent about a hundred invitations and had about seventy-five people show up. Some already had the book, but others bought one or more copies and I ended up selling around 60 books.)

Keep your cards and bookmarks or brochures in your purse at all times. (If you don't make them yourself check out Vista. Their printing is reasonable.) When somebody wants to know what you do whip one out and give it to them. (I recently went to my cousin's wedding reception and he introduced me as his writing cousin. After that a few people asked about my writing and I handed out cards -- I thought it would be tacky to hand out too much -- it wasn't long until people came up to me asking for my card.) You can take advantage of any situation as long as you don't get pushy. (I don't like pushy people and figure nobody else does either.)

If the copies aren't too expensive at author's price, I'd take them around to book stores and other outlets and treat it as a new book. Maybe contact your local churches to speak at women's groups or the civic groups in town. These people are always looking for speakers. Also contact writing groups. Is there a Sisters in Crime or Book Clubs, or a Mystery reading group near you? They need speakers too.

I don't know anything about publicity on e-books. Haven't had one yet, but have had an interest from one company. So maybe we can learn this together.

Hope you can gleen one idea out of these suggestions. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.



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Re: second chance: now what?
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2008, 04:26:41 PM »

Thanks, Lynette!  You've given me some good ideas.  I especially like the re-launch party idea.

E-books have a lot of good promotional points.  As more and more people decide to "green" their lives we get to say:  "No trees were harmed in the making of this e-book."   ;D


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Re: second chance: now what?
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2008, 02:08:10 PM »

I just talked to Sara who is the owner of Booked for Murder in Madison WI.  She has extended an invitation to you to come and chat about your book if your travels take you in this direction.
I'd be happy to do whatever you need for support.

"Head for the round house Maude, they can't corner us there!"


  • Ink-Stained Wretch
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Re: second chance: now what?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 09:47:07 AM »

Elena, thanks so much.  How very kind of you!  The chances of my ever getting to WI are, as far as I can see, too low to count.  But you never know what kind of surprises will happen in life.  As a kid growing up in the Ozarks, I never dreamed I would live so many years in Alabama.   :D

I'll go to Sara's website and if there's a place to leave a message, I'll contact her and thank her, too.

Thanks, again!

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