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Text Editors
Scrivener hands down. Nothing else comes close for writing novels. 8)
another vote for Scrivener. other than that, a simple and lightweight freeware app called Bean. (not sure if they make Bean for OS'es other than Mac.) you can write in Bean and save your document in Word or practically any other format.
I use this online tool for editing my write up. It is pretty cool as it not only underlines the errors but also offers suggestions to correct those errors.
I'm on the trial of Scrivener. It seems pretty cool. Do I want to fork over $45 ... we shall see? I really like that it is 30 non-consecutive days trial. Meaning, I "use up" a day when I actually open the program. If I opened it on the first of the month and didn't touch it until the 18th of the next month, the 18th would could as "day 2".
I also like how you don't have to write chronologically. If you have an idea for a scene and want to write it now, you can just create the scene, name it, and write it. Then later, you can move it into the appropriate place in the story.
I use MS Word for writing in general, if I'm going chronologically.
I use the writing tool editor from 123HelpMe to write my work. It help's me fix my grammar errors then and there as I write.
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