Questions?I get email asking questions that are (to my mind) clearly answered in the directions for QueryShark. Normally I just delete them, but it occurred to me that the readers of the blog might be willing to help me out here.<br /><br />If you have questions, post them in the comment section of THIS blog post. By questions I mean things about how QueryShark works. Examples: can I resubmit if I've sent a query before (yes); I've sent you three queries but none have been posted, why not (I don't post 99% of the queries I get.)<br /><br />If you ask a question about how other agencies work, about how to handle issues with something OTHER than a query letter to the QueryShark, the comment won't be posted. There are lots of places on the web to get that information. QueryShark Questions are ONLY about QueryShark.<br /><br /><br />If you're a blog reader, feel free to answer. I'll keep you all on the right course -- wrong answers won't get approved. I also don't post questions about the general query process or how to submit work to agents. These questions are about how the Shark works and ONLY about how the Shark works.<br /><br /><br />My hope is we can get questions answered without my having to engage in a one on one email conversation.<br /><br />Thanks for helping.<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>
Questions?This automatic post courtesy of the Query Shark RSS Feed.