Hello. I'm looking for mystery & suspense writers to join The Nine Ravens writing group. The group is a face-to-face group meeting in person in Berkeley CA starting in January of 2014. I will be assembling the group and if all goes well we'll have an informal meet and greet in December. Details to be announced. The Facebook Page (
https://www.facebook.com/9ravenswriters ) has detailed information on it, so please stop by and read it over.
This is the fourth or fifth writing group I've created. The last one The Mysterious Writ was a big success, and my hope is Nine Ravens will at least equal it in production. (Off the top of my head 11 completed mms- including an Edgar nominee-, short stories, and opportunities to pick the brains of genre related experts, established writers as well creative support, conferences etc.) The concept isn't run of mill, and its structure and guidelines may put some folks off, but there is a track record and it's good one.
It works.
So if you are a mystery or suspense writer of: novels, screenplays, plays, short stories, comics, or games and you're serious about getting that project done and to market please follow the guidelines for applying. There will only be nine slots.
A sample submission/excerpt (or project outline) is required to join. (this is to weed out the people writing manifestos in chicken blood on their wall. For the most part) Would prefer a submission, and please nothing over 3K words.
Also required: · All authors must be writing mystery or suspense related projects. Suspense that falls outside the "mystery genre" will be considered too.
· Please, please, please be a reader/fan of the genre!!!!!
· Email all submissions to caking33333@gmail.com Embed them in the email. Attachments will be deleted.
· Two things: Don't bother submitting porn or any work where a deity is the main character.
· Turnaround time will depend on the number submissions.
· No critiques will be given.
· I will contact only those added to the group. A general notice will appear on Facebook (
https://www.facebook.com/9ravenswriters) at some point before the New Year assuming it fills up.
· Nothing will be returned.
· All submissions will be deleted.
· No one will be spammed afterwards--by me at least.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Regards, Charles A. King