50,000 words in a month! Are they kidding!
Two of the books I've written were done in less than a month - and they were each 75,000 word, at least. Of course I was only work two ro three hours a day, but I was writing every day. I found I blocked at fifteen pages - regardless of how long or short a time it took me to write them, once I got fifteen pages written, my brain would shut down and refuse to work any more.
I haven't had that much freedom to write for almost three years now. I wonder if I could do it again ...
As for writing a novel in three days, I'm afraid I'd fail on that ... forty-five pages a novel does not make.
Matthew S.
ps: for those interested, the two novels were HIERARCHY OF TERROR and QUANTUM LEAP: DOUBLE DILEMMA (which was picked up by the editor but never published)