Can you be more specific on what you want done. Myook writn husbanfd lives in England and I live in Los Ageles. He helps me alot on my book writing. I suppose whatever your plan for the partnership is we can discuss through him. here's are teh books that I just released just to give you an idea of the my writing style.
New Book releases: Add to your shelves.
By Ashley Barnett Smith
(1 Rating)
Paperback381 pages
Leslie Ward a star columnist’s at New York News Events whose column created a big buzz in different social networks including her own blog became a target of a blogger with a twisted mind whose arguments with the rest of her bloggers resulted into a deadly spin leaving murdered victims in the city.
See what my publisher say about this book:
"Dear Ashley Barnett Smith,
You recently published THE COLUMNIST'S BLOG and made it available to the world in the Lulu Marketplace. Thank you. We're thrilled to have such a remarkable work in our catalog!"
Lulu publishing
http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/the-columnists-blog/11773393 Or visit my website at:
http://sites.google.com/site/ashleybarnettsmith/This book is also available on hardcover and download.
By Ashley Barnett Smith
Paperback250 pages
A US marine came home from a five years deployment from Iraq after he was discharge due to an illness that prevented him from performing his duty. No one is more appreciative than his mother who agonizes every minute of his stay in the war zone. But the excitement and happiness of his coming home was interrupted by an episode of his illness landing him in a Veteran’s hospital where he stayed until he recovered. What he will do next is beyond every parent’s nightmare for he came home with a secret mission in mind that will shock the nation.
Ashley Barnett Smith
The Soldier's Fight
Available on hard cover, paperback and download
http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/a-soldiers-fight/11717261Or visit my website at: