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Author Topic: Two Bullets  (Read 18099 times)

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Two Bullets
« on: October 19, 2017, 03:24:51 PM »

A victim is shot at close range. One bullet remains in the body, the other goes clear through. The one that passes through caused the death. The one that remains is just a wound. Any ideas on where each bullet should hit the victim to get these results?

Appreciate any suggestions out there.


Dave Freas

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Re: Two Bullets
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2017, 04:03:19 PM »

1/ The 'pass through' could go between two ribs, punch a hole in the heart and exit between two ribs.
The 'stay in' could hit the collar bone, deflect, and lodge against the back of the shoulder blade.

2/ The kill shot could enter below the ribcage, tear through the liver, aorta (the actual cause of death), and kidney and exit out the back.
The 'stay for a visit' round could enter just below the sternum (breast bone), nick the liver, pancreas, and a kidney and lodge against the spine.

One thing to take into account is the weapon used.  If the gun's a .45, chances are it's going through him no matter where it hits.  A weaker round like a .38 or smaller would have a better chance of not punching through the body.

Hope this helps.



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Re: Two Bullets
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2021, 04:26:53 PM »

A victim is shot at close range. One bullet remains in the body, the other goes clear through. The one that passes through caused the death. The one that remains is just a wound. Any ideas on where each bullet should hit the victim to get these results?

Appreciate any suggestions out there.


Causing death requires either central nervous system damage or massive blood loss.    Even a strike in the femoral artery would cause enough blood loss to cause death.

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