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Author Topic: suggesting another section  (Read 9707 times)

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suggesting another section
« on: October 24, 2006, 09:41:40 AM »

Where do we suggest another section?
Maybe one titled plot ideas, or tidbits, or misc, or something?

I came across something I didn't know yesterday, and I don't think it belongs in chat, probably not in writing ideas, though it's both.

Basically, a snippet of information that someone might use/need to help with a timeline, a witness, or something, somehow, to verify something. I think we all probably learn something on occassion that other people might be able to use.
Mine is this:

Our subdivision mailboxes are in clusters. Mine is just up the street, but I missed our mail lady yesterday. I caught  her just as she was finishing up her next stop. She pulled out what looked like a large mobile phone and aimed it at a mailbox. At my question she said they have to do that at each stop. The PO people then average out her day, and they can see if there are any problems along the way--a time stamp--to verify where she was at that moment.
So Ii can verify where I was Monday afternoon at that time, cause she will remember me-we speak often, and talked of a few things at that time. (I think she'll verify me and that conversation, anyway! lol) In the numerous times in the last 7 years that I've been at MY cluster box, I've never watched her _finish_, so didn't know that till yesterday.
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