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Author Topic: advice on medical things  (Read 12759 times)

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  • Cub
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advice on medical things
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:52:13 AM »

Hi all, I have 2 questions to ask and any answers or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. They are both for short stories that I have to write for my creative writing course  ;D

Would identical twins have the same D.N.A? or, would a blood transfusion from one identical twin to another, adjust their D.N.A?

The second question is:

I want my female killer to suffer from Munchhausen by Proxy but I need some ideas on how she poisons her children. I have come across cyanide that in small doses cause vomiting, diahorea etc and eventually causes death. It can be evaporated in liquid like milk and is tasteless, and almost totally untraceable to usual tests. But I was thinking that cyanide might be too 1950's spy thriller or suicide pill, and was thinking of maybe something organic from a plant, maybe wolfs bane or the like. Any ideas? if so, what would be the symptoms and how would it be administered?

Thankyou everyone :)

Dave Freas

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Re: advice on medical things
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2014, 01:45:38 PM »

It would depend on the twins.

Identical twins would indeed have identical DNA since they arise from one egg that splits in two and forms two humans.

Fraternal twins (two eggs, two sperm) would have DNA that would be somewhat similar but not identical.

Anything, technically, can be a poison.  Digitalis in the wrong dose can be fatal to a child.  Many plants are poisonous depending on which part of the plant (roots, berries, leaves) is ingested.  I'm not up on plant poisons so I won't make any specific suggestions.  A good pharmacognosy text book should answer all your questions in that regard, along with providing signs and symptoms .

There are a lot of non-organic things that can poison children, too.  Almost any type of cleaning product - window, sink, shower, carpet, automobile - will have ingredients that are toxic if ingested.  Researching the active ingredients on the internet should give you the symptoms of poisoning.

Hope this helps.



  • Cub
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Re: advice on medical things
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2014, 08:53:32 AM »

Just to add to what Dave said, your DNA is your DNA, a blood transfusion won't change that.
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