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Author Topic: Toxicology Screen for Medical Experts  (Read 16072 times)

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Toxicology Screen for Medical Experts
« on: February 28, 2017, 05:00:45 PM »

This is actually a two part question:

1: will Anti-rejection drugs show up on a toxicology screen post-mortem?

2: What exactly is it about being disemboweled that kills the person? Bowel necrosis from loss of circulation would take a little while, but if a person's bowels were just released out of an incision how long and what would be the mechanism of final demise?

Dave Freas

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Re: Toxicology Screen for Medical Experts
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2017, 06:19:46 PM »

1: They would only screen for anti-rejection drugs if the police or someone else suspected the a-r drugs played some role in the victim's death and they knew which a-r drugs he or she was taking.

2: Death from disemboweling most likely comes from blood loss.  Slashing the abdomen open and yanking the guts out cuts/tears lots of blood vessels.  And there's always the possibility of slashing/nicking/tearing the aorta.  Cutting that puppy means you're dead in a minute or two.

Hope this helps.



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Re: Toxicology Screen for Medical Experts
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2017, 07:01:55 AM »

Thank you very much, that does help. So, what i take from the disemboweling is this: surgical incision so no arteries are nicked and then when the victim shifts the intestines will come out possibly severing their own arteries as the organs release themselves.


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Re: Toxicology Screen for Medical Experts
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2017, 07:28:46 AM »

Would Dermabond be strong enough to hold intestines in and if the surgical incision is cut in just a way so as to keep them inside while the victim walked a few yards or feet?

Dave Freas

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Re: Toxicology Screen for Medical Experts
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2017, 09:37:13 AM »

Research Hari Kiri or Sepuku (check the spelling on both) - Japanese ritual suicide - for more information on the actual cause of death and how long it takes with disembowelment.

As you describe things in your second post (surgical incision so no arteries are nicked and then when the victim shifts the intestines will come out possibly severing their own arteries as the organs release themselves), I imagine it would take your victim a very, very long time to die.

If the initial cut is only through the abdominal wall, only capillaries and minor arteries and veins will be cut.  Then when your victim tries to stand or rolls over onto his side, the intestines would spill out through the cut.

A deeper slash (like with a sword), will kill quicker because more arteries and veins (including those feeding the intestines) will be cut open.  The blood supply to the intestines is huge.  A deep slash will also cut open the intestines, dumping all sorts of nasty fecal matter into the abdominal cavity (the victim may survive the disemboweling only to die of peritonitis).

I'm not familiar enough with Dermabond to say.

If you want your victim to have a chance to live, have him or her lay on their back with their hands pressed over the cut to prevent the intestines from getting out.

Hope this helps.

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