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Author Topic: Emoticons & Abbreviations  (Read 7984 times)

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Emoticons & Abbreviations
« on: October 03, 2006, 03:31:16 PM »

Friday, December 17, 1999 12:55 PM

Here's The List of Abbreviations again, for the newbies:

The following is an extensive list of abbreviations and faces described most easily as Chat Talking. If you know of one not on the list, let me know and I'll add it (for as long as this message appears in the thread).

AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
BBL = Be Back Later
BBN = Bye Bye Now
BBS = Be Back Soon
BEG = Big Evil Grin
BF = Boy Friend
BRB = Be Right Back
BTW = By The Way
BWL = Bursting With Laughter
C&G = Chuckle and Grin
CID = Crying In Disgrace
CNP... = Continued in Next Post
CP = Chat Post
CSG = Chuckle Snicker Grin
CYA = See Ya
CYAL8R = See You Later
DH = Dear Husband
DO = Dear One
DW = Dear Wife
DLTBBB = Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
EG = Evil Grin
EMSG = Email Message
FYI = For Your Information
GF = Girl Friend
GFN = Gone For Now
GMBO = Giggling My Butt Off
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
GTSY = Glad To See You
H&K = Hug and Kiss
HABU = Have A Better 'Un
HAGN = Have A Good Night
HAGU = Have A Good 'Un
HHIS = Hanging Head in Shame
IC = I See
IGP = I Gotta Pee
IME = In My Experience
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHE = In My Humble Experience
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
IRL = In Real Life
IWALU = I Will Always Love You
JMO = Just My Opinion
JTLYK = Just To Let You Know
KIT = Keep In Touch
KOC = Kiss On Cheek
KOL = Kiss On Lips
L8R = Later
L8R G8R = Later Gater
LHM = Lord Help Me
LHO = Laughing Head Off
LHU = Lord Help Us
LOL = Laugh Out Loud / Lots of Love
LSHMBB = Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHMBH = Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
LTNS = Long Time No See
LTS = Laughing To Self
LUWAMH = Love You With All My Heart
LY = Love Ya
OIC = Oh, I See
OL = Old Lady (wife, girlfriend)
OM = Old Man (husband, boyfriend)
OTTOMH = Off The Top of My Head
PDS = Please Don't Shoot
PM = Private Message
PMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMP = Peed My Pants
POAHF = Put On A Happy Face
Poof = Has left the chat room.
PTB = Powers That Be
QSL = Reply
QSO = Conversation
QT = Cutie
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLAPMP = ...And Peeing My Pants
ROFLMAO = ...My A** Off
ROFLMAOAY = ...My A** Off At You
ROFLMAOWTIME = ...With Tears In My Eyes
ROFLMAOWTRDMF = ...With Tears Running Down My Face
ROFLUTS = ...Unable to Speak
RTSM = Read The Stupid Manual!
SETE = Smiling Ear To Ear
SHID = Slaps Head In Disgust
SO = Significant Other
SWAK = Sealed With A Kiss
SWL = Screaming with Laughter
SYS = See You Soon
TA = Thanks Again
TOY = Thinking Of You
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now
TTYL = Talk To you Later
TTYS = Talk To you Soon
WB = Welcome Back
WTH = What/Who The Heck
YBS = You'll Be Sorry
YG = Young Gentleman
YL = Young Lady
YM = Young Man
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
*g* = Giggle
*H* = Hug
*K* = Kiss
*W* = Wink
*G* = Grin
*BG* = Big Grin
*VBG* = Very Big Grin

*Note: Tilt your head to the left

:-| = Ambivalent
o:-) = Angelic
>:-( = Angry
|-I = Asleep
(::()::) = Bandaide
:-{} = Blowing a Kiss
\-o = Bored
:-c = Bummed Out
:( ) = Can't Stop Talking
:*) = Clowning
:' = Crying
:'-) = Crying with Joy
:'-( = Crying Sadly
:-9 = Delicious, Yummy
:-> = Devilish
;-> = Devilish Wink
:P = Disgusted (tongue sticking out)
:*) = Drunk
:-6 = Exhausted, Wiped Out
:( = Frown
\~/ = Full Glass
\_/ = Glass Empty
^5 = High Five
{{{{name}}}} = Hug
{{ }}:** = Hugs and Kisses
:-I = Indifferent
:-X = Lips are Sealed
:~/ = Mixed Up
(_!_) = Moon
**** = Popcorn
&&&& = Pretzels
@>-`-,-- = Rose
:-@ = Screaming
:O = Shocked
:-) = Smile
=) = Smile
:-D = Big Smile
:-O = Surprised
^ = Thumbs Up
:-& = Tongue Tied
%-) = Too many hours in front of CPU screen
:-\ = Undecided
;-) = Wink
|-O = Yawning

Rhea Skillings
Bob Mueller
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