You should definitely seek out reviews in large numbers. On-line reviews are probably the best if you blanket the web scouring the thousands of book bloggers and others out there. If you search page rank tool in google, you'll be able to see how Google ranks site. I would start out by looking for reviews with sites that rank 6 or higher. That's where Kirkus, Bookline, etc. ranks One site that also ranks 6 and is pretty open to doing lesser-known authors book reviews is New York Journal of Books. Just go to their homepage and scroll to bottom to see submission rules. They won't so self-published and they prefer that your publisher send the book to their reviewer than you. Also they generally agree to only review books that are not yet out. If your publisher is small and doesn't print advance copies they are a bit more flexible.
Reviews beget reviews, so submit early to reviews like PW, Library Journal, Bookline, Kirkus, etc.. If you get a starred review in any of these, that will help with more reviews. Or submit early to New York Journal of Books. They actually don't publish it until review date, but provide a copy of review when it's completed and you can use some quotes.
If none of this gets you reviews, lower your aim to lesser ranked blogs, etc. Not ideal, but you should know pretty quickly whether you are getting any response to the above recommended established players. f not, smart small and build up to them. Any good review is useful for promotion, even if the site doesn't get much traffic - but try to select review sites that sound impressive. The quotes will work better for you then.