General Discussion and News > Technology Troubles
Wordpress, anyone?
Lance Charnes:
Have any of you used Wordpress for your author website? If so, how do you like it? Any words of warning?
Peg H:
I like it. It seldom gets wonky and it serves my purposes. ;D
Nicole Harmon:
I just started a wordpress blog. I had to transfer my blog from msn. but so far I am learning how to use it. it looks like it might not be bad. my author website will be put up later. I am working on this one to learn better. do you have any advice for those who are learning about the site?
I use a personal blog there and my publisher has one. I find it somewhat quirky. Sometimes when you think you've
posted, it doesn't show up. Adding a graphic to a post can also be a trial. Wordpress doesn't allow
blog crawls either, at least one that I tried to join for the Writing Adventure Group. The leader had to add
me by hand every time to the list she posted for people to click on.
Lee Lofland:
I've used Wordpress for my blog for the past three years and like it just fine. We are also in the process of changing the Writers' Police Academy website over to Wordpress.
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