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Writing Software
I use Softmaker Office 2006.
It's free, a small download and is Word compatible. Excellent free substitute for Word. I have Word 2002 and MS Office 2007, but find myself using this because it loads much faster and will do just about everything Word does. I highly recommend it.
You can also opt for EasyOffice 2008, also free, which is a rebranded version of Softmaker 2006.
Sorry it's been so long since I've replied.
You were right, Bob, it was the trackpad! No wonder that there wasn't any ryhme or reason to its jumping around.
Fortunately, one of my friends at work was able to show me how to turn off the trackpad when I'm using the mouse.
I'm not sure I can explain it and make sense, but I'm sure one of the computer people here can do that.
Y'all are great!!! I knew you could solve my problem!
B L McAllister:
--- Quote from: jmcmurray on November 03, 2010, 09:02:07 AM ---For those who may be wondering about other software still, I use the yWriter software from spacejock software. It is a pretty robust program, and it is tailored to writing novels and stories. The link is below.
It really has helped me get stuck in my writing. It also allows for easy insertion of new scenes when you realize that you need to add one in. You can also shift chapters around with a simple drag and drop.
Oh, and it's free. Nothing wrong with free.
--- End quote ---
I downloaded it, and it's free, yes, but I never succeeded in making it work. Everything I tried got an error report of one sort or another: everything! What's worse, it seems to have, somehow, messed up WORD itself, making it unusable---and undeletable. Well, maybe that's a blessing in disguise: I was using it because I'd learned it pretty well, but I can learn to use OpenOffice, I guess. The trouble may lie in the yWriter website's observation that it won't work unless you have MicroSoft dot net installed. In case that was the problem, I obtained Microsoft dot net, but it didn't help. I have no idea what else Microsoft dot net is for, but I do know that it also turns out to be undeletable. I don't think I'll keep trying with yWriter: in my experience everything that is trouble at first stays troublesome forever (occasionally with trouble-free periods, but also reverting to troublesomenessl.)
It's fun to read these old posts. Reminds me of a simpler time when most writers used Microsoft Word. Now there are a plethora of writing tools and plagiarism checkers readily available for free. It amazes me how much we have advanced in last decade.
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